- 2020 Election 8
- Abortion 6
- Addiction 14
- Addiction Recovery 4
- Advocacy 1
- Aging 3
- Aging in Place 2
- Air Quality 1
- Appalachian Ohio 1
- Asian Americans 1
- Behavioral Health 2
- Bipartisanship 3
- Books 2
- Business 2
- Business of Medicine 1
- COVID-19 36
- Cancer 4
- Capitalism 1
- Cars and Traffic Safety 1
- Child Health 8
- Childcare 9
- Chronic Disease 1
- Climate Change 3
- Colon Cancer 1
- Community Health 2
- Community Health Centers 1
- Community Living 2
- Corruption 1
- Cost of Health Care 4
- Democracy 2
- Dermatology 1
- Direct Primary Care 1
- Disaster 2
- Discrimination 1
- Disease 1
- Diversity and Inclusion 1
- Doulas 3
- Drinking 1
- Drug Pricing 1
- Economy 6
- Emergency Preparedness 2
- End of Life Care 1
- Environment 4
- Equity 3
- Exercise 1
- Faith and Health 1
- Food Insecurity 3
- Food and Drug Administration 1
- Gambling 1
- Gender Inclusivity 1
- Governor DeWine 14
- Ohio Statehouse 11
- Health Policy Institute of Ohio 9
- Ohio State University 9
- Center for Community Solutions 8
- Medicaid 6
- Affordable Care Act 5
- Education 5
- Ohio Capital Journal 5
- Ohio Department of Health 5
- Cleveland 4
- Masks 4
- Ohio Senate 4
- Preventive Health 4
- Rick Hodges 4
- Akron 3
- Columbus Dispatch 3
- Gerrymandering 3
- Health Mandates 3
- Law 3
- Ohio House 3
- Ohio Journal of Public Health 3
- Opioids 3
- Racism 3
- Scuicide 3
- Social Distancing 3
- Stay-at-home 3
- Women's Health 3
- Brian Alexander 2
- Children's Defense Fund 2
- Criminal Justice 2
- David Pepper 2
- Democratic Politics 2
- Ebola 2
- Food 2
- Franklin County 2
- Fundraising 2
- Guns 2
- Housing 2
- Human Services Chamber of Franklin County 2
- Jessie Hill 2
- Jim Obergefell 2
- John Kasich 2
- LGBTQ Health 2
- Medical Education 2
- Men's Health 2
- Mike Corey 2
- Nationwide Children's 2
- Nursing 2
- Ohio Association of Community Health Centers 2
138. “We Can’t Fail”: Dr. David Margolius Takes on Flavored Tobacco in Cleveland
Smoking not only remains the #1 cause of death in Cleveland, but is a function of years of inequitable and racist policy, with devastating consequences for communities of color. Dan talks with Dr. David Margolius, Director of Public Health for the City of Cleveland, about efforts to get Cleveland’s horrendous smoking rates under control, especially by addressing flavored tobacco.

133. The Politics of Life Expectancy in Ohio: Washington Post reporters Lauren Weber and Dan Diamond
Dan talks with Washington Post reporters Lauren Weber and Dan Diamond about their must-read reporting on life expectancy in Ohio. Topics: reactions to the piece so far; the relationship between public health and perceptions of liberty; Ohio’s place within larger national conversations; the lack of democratic responsiveness in Ohio politics; and other issues that show the dire health consequences of Ohio’s failure to prioritize public health and safety.

123. Rep. Dontavius Jarrells on Bringing Dignity to Ohio Communities
Dan talks with State Rep. and House Assistant Minority Leader Dontavius Jarrells about his life experience shapes his work as a legislator, bills he has introduced and supported, and his health priorities in the Ohio Statehouse.

121. It's Budget Season! Priorities for a Healthier Ohio
Dan talks with Tara Britton and Kelsey Bergfeld about the state budget and their organizations’ policy priorities. Topics include SNAP benefits, Medicaid, harm reduction, doula services, and the workplace.

114. State of Health & Human Services in Ohio: Community Solutions’ Hope Lane-Gavin
Dan talks with Hope Lane-Gavin of the Center for Community Solutions about CCS’ new health and human services fact sheets–each of which shines an important and often sobering light on the situation in Ohio, especially on the cusp of an election of consequence.

113. Rep. Allison Russo: What We've Learned - or Haven't - from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Two and a half years after the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Ohio, Dan and Minority Leader Allison Russo reflect on what we have – and haven’t — learned from the pandemic. They also discuss the importance of voting and democratic responsiveness to health.

105. Returning to Sandusky, Running for Ohio: Jim Obergefell on Caregiving, Health, & Public Service
Dan talks with civil rights icon Jim Obergefell about caregiving, the cost of health care, the Ohio legislative map debacle, the importance of Lake Erie to life in Ohio, and opportunities for bipartisan collaboration on issues affecting Ohioans.

103. OPAWL: Building Community within Ohio's Asian American and Pacific Islander Community
Dan welcomes two members of OPAWL – Building AAPI Feminist Leadership, Sharon Kim and Rebecca Nelson. They discuss increases in anti-Asian crime, health disparities laid bare by COVID-19, changes to Ohio demographics, and OPAWL’s proposed solutions to improve AAPI outcomes in Ohio.

92. The State of the Statehouse with the Ohio Capital Journal
Dan talks with David DeWitt, editor, as well as reporter Jake Zuckerman, both of the Ohio Capital Journal, to make sense of comings and goings at the Ohio Statehouse over the past few months.

86. Reps. Crawley and Manning on Extending Health Care Coverage for New Mothers
Dan talks with Rep. Erica Crawley (D-Columbus) and Rep. Gayle Manning (R-North Ridgeville) about their advocacy for expanding Medicaid postpartum health care services for new mothers. Dan also talks with Kelly Vyzral of Children's Defense Fund of Ohio, who offers expert commentary.

80. Learning from Senator Tina Maharath's COVID-19 Experience
Dan talks with Ohio State Senator Maharath (OH3) about the senator’s harrowing personal experience with COVID19. Topics include mask mandates, racism as a public health crisis, cultural competency for health care professionals, and more.