For Guests
We work hard to make our guests sound as good as possible. This is important not only because it helps you get your message across, but because auditory burnout is real. Simply put, people won’t listen to more than a minute or so of an interview that doesn’t sound good. We need to put our listeners first and will not release episodes that don’t sound good.
For remote interviewing, we use the Zencastr podcasting recording platform. Technical requirements are minimal, but important. Beyond the technical requirements, getting the recording to sound good - which is critical for ensuring that your episode reaches the widest audience possible - requires taking a few additional steps. We assure you that taking a few minutes to get the sound right is worth it.
Zencastr currently only works with Chrome browsers, and is compatible with Mac (OS 10.14 or higher), PC (Windows 10 or higher), or Linux operating systems. Browsers other than Firefox or Chrome will not work. Currently, Zencastr does not support smart phones and tablets, so you will need either a laptop or desktop computer with a microphone. Your desktop or laptop must have at least 10G of free space. For best results, please close as many applications (programs) and windows as possible. Hard wired internet connections are preferred, but a steady, reliable wi-fi signal is acceptable. You can run a speed test here. For more on Zencastr technical requirements, see their web resource.
To reduce feedback, it is critical that you use earbuds or headphones. To get the best sound possible, external microphones are very helpful, though we understand that not everybody has them. Please email us if you are interested in purchasing one and we can make some recommendations. While audio is the sole focus of the podcast, we do ask that you allow us to record video as well, as we use this to promote the show on social media. Please do not worry about dressing up—these clips are intended to present as a “behind the scenes” peek of the recording. Most likely, we will only be using a few 30-60 second clips from the session.
If using a laptop mic, it is important that you don’t tap or type on your laptop during the recording. If you are using an external mic, make sure you are talking into the correct side and that it is positioned about six inched directly in front of your mouth. Mics attached to earbuds or headphones can work, but be sure they are not rubbing against clothing, beards, or anything else.
At the beginning of the session, we will do a sound check. Once the interview is over, we will need to spend a few minutes transferring your file to our production team.
If you have any questions, please ask! We are available by email. And thank you for taking the time to make your appearance on the podcast sound as good as possible. Our listeners will appreciate it.